I Love It When Things Just Work

After playing around with menus for a mere minute I was able to send the entire contents of my T68 address book (which has been my organizer in the interim) to my T|T over Bluetooth without a hitch. I’m amazed it worked at all, but furthermore if this had been over infrared I would have hold them just right in line of sight and hope that some random movement didn’t cause them to lose contact.

Interested in doing this? Phone Book > 8 Advanced > 6 Send All > 2 Via Bluetooth > and then find or choose the necessary device. Like everything Bluetooth it works a lot better if the devices are paired before hand.

Sweet Wireless and Tungsten Impressions

I just dialed in to my dialup ISP using my Tungsten and T68 using Bluetooth as the connection. It worked on the first try. Next step is GPRS but since I have a “bootleg” phone not set up by T-Mobile the settings aren’t right on the phone itself. Some first impressions:

  • The springy stylus is great.
  • I need a SD card (256MB for ~ $60).
  • I’m really looking forward to trying out all the web browsers.
  • So far I’ve used WebPro:
    • It does some interesting content-negotiation stuff, unfortunately it does it badly, causing many things to break.
    • Can’t find technical documentation of its capabilites or methods.
    • From a user point of view though, it works pretty well.
    • Supports some basic CSS.
    • It looks like it may support gzipped content.
    • Update: I tracked down the developers and sent them an email, hopefully I can get some “official” information soon.
  • The size is perfect for me.
  • The directional pad is very useful.
  • With Jot installed I almost never need to open the slider. (Try the demo out.)
  • A lot of Palm software websites really suck.
  • The sound is really good, the speaker can get really loud. It can fill a quiet room.
  • Whoever designed the font on here did a good job. Much better than the one on the Sonys.

Source Code Humor

Source code humor is one of my favorite things in the world. I think when properly done, and ideally involving a pun of some sort, it is the highest form of humor in the world. It was introduced to me by studying the source of Jeffrey Zeldman as a young Jedi, and since I have on some level incorporated it into most of my projects since then. It is meant for a select audience, the elite handful that view source with a critical eye, and is usually either in the form of HTML comments—the blunt way to do it—or subtly interspersed in attributes like id, rel, and class. This is neither, and being server-parsed is never seen by the browser, but I had a hearty laugh after I stumbled on it by accident. Anyone have a favorite example of source humor?

Tungsten T Review Review

The PalmOS news world has changed quite a bit in the past several years: you have the corporate, the fallen star, the amazingly thorough, the good but dying, and the current star. And then there’s Brighthand. The history behind the site is scandalous but unimportant, and instead let’s focus on their latest feature article, titled “The Zen Done Gone.” (Which brings to mind Brad’s comment at SxSW to the effect of “Grammarians around the world shuddered.”)

In this article Trotter Hardy decides to take to task the “Zen of Palm” by comparing its stated goals with the design of the Tungsten T. This could have been a very interesting article, especially if it had focused on Palm’s inclusion of numerous multimedia features while not making any significant improvements to the built-in PIM functions. What we get instead is a heavily biased presentation of one person’s difficulty, which to me is the very worst kind of review. (I remember a review of the Treo which spent half of the article complaining about T-Mobile service and saying nothing about the device itself.)

It starts out with a rant about the sliding bottom that covers the graffiti area. Hardy misses the point completely, which is as much a usage issue as it is a size issue. Palm did research and found that most handheld usage is data retrieval. That’s not a revelation if you’ve used a handheld for any period of time, but it’s nice to see that real usage affected the design of the unit. Some of my friends who have Tungstens have told me that they seldom ‘open’ the unit at all because all common tasks can be done with the unit closed (and a lot with the cover on!). It’s true that closing it only makes it .8″ smaller, but when the whole thing is just 4.8″ tall that’s a good fifth of the height. Also does adding the movable component really add that much to the production cost? It was my impression that manufacturers had been doing the moving parts thing for a while now, and the unit seems to be priced very competitively with its non-moving-part competitors.

Five paragraphs later, we have more complaints about the size. Apparently the Sony SJ33, which has been available for 10 days in America so in terms of context means very little to most people, just “feels good in your hand, like it wants to be there. Not so the Tungsten T.” A little research reveals there is a whopping .1 inch difference in width between the two. Perhaps that tenth of an inch makes a big difference to him, but his impression is most likely the result of another bias. As an added note the Tungsten T is lighter in weight than the SJ33 as well. The second part of this section says the unit is too slippery, which if true for the Tungsten is true for most handhelds out there. The third section describes what I can surmise is difficulty with holding the unit due to it having buttons on the side but it’s really hard to see through the incoherent writing and pick out what specifically is being criticized here, and what the author would consider a better solution to be. Should there be no buttons on the side? How does the bottom “collapsing” cause one to drop it? The last criticism of the cover is probably the most valid, as it’s compared to known units, but I’m surprised the reviewer didn’t know the cover clipped on the back, as this has been standard for detachable covers, most notably on the Visor series. I’m more surprised that the reviewer wasn’t familiar with the side flip cover on the V and 500 series, the V series being the most common Palms in the world. (May not be still be the most common, but for at least 3–4 years it was. I haven’t seen any data recently of this sort.)

If you’re going to talk about size and comfort when discussing a PalmOS unit, at the very least compare it to the units everyone knows, like the V/500 series, the III series, or maybe a Visor. To be truthful though these comparisons are of limited real-world use unless the unit is deformed. If you’re considering buying a handheld, online or otherwise, go into the store and lift it up, put your hands around it, turn it around. Best Buy is not good for this because they have their units in little cages, someplace like CompUSA or Circuit City is usually better because they have everything attached with a little security string, which while annoying is much less intrusive. Best of all, find a friend or colleague who has one: hold it in your hands sans restraints; most of all, put it in your pocket or wherever you plan to carry it. In a perfect world there would be a high-class store that would allow you to do the above, and such a thing has been discussed in Houston, but it’s probably not economically viable.

I’m going to skip over the part about bundled applications being too complicated; they’re optional and if you don’t like it don’t install it or find something better. Documents to Go is a great thing to include because it’s not just something consumers have been asking for, it’s something they’re demanding. It’s a powerful program that does a lot, but the basic interface is pretty elegant and doesn’t present too many complicated options. I still like Wordsmith, and the fact that I have that option is a testament to PalmSource’s commitment to the Palm Economy that they don’t develop their own program and bundle it by default with every unit they sell; competition is a good thing. Additionally, it’s a big selling point that on PalmOS you can do more with Office documents than you can on the PocketPC platform.

The final rant about not being able to access files off a SD card, as it stands, is just filler. If the author had dug deeper and discovered the cause of the problem, he could have reported accurately whether it was the result of human error (something at this point in the article I’m inclined to believe) or whether it is actually a failing in Palm’s product. The process of putting the files on the card is so vague almost nothing can be concluded from it.

One doesn’t have to look far to find plenty of glowing reviews of the Tungsten T, and more importantly I’ve been quite impressed with it when I’ve dealt with it in person, which is why I’m confident about the product and getting one this weekend.

Of course I didn’t expect much from a site whose design is a remarkably similar to Glassdog/Lance Arthur, but don’t take the mere uncanny resemblance as damning evidence, as Brighthand enhances the design with garish ads, mediocre writing, and gaudy graphics. A “Brighthand member” has left comments to the effect that permission was asked before the design was used. I don’t have any information to the contrary and I think my comments were unnecessarily harsh, so in the interest of peace I hereby withdraw these.

CafePress Offers Micropublishing

This is a very interesting development, and I can see a lot of potential uses for this sort of technology. Here’s a quote from the email I got:

Sell CDs manufactured on-demand in your CafePress.com for free. The CDs show up in your store just like any other product. Audio CDs include audio samples so your customers can hear your content. Data CDs allow you to add data such as software, photos, clipart, documents, books, etc.

Coming soon: CafePress Publishing!

I’m guessing from the coming soon promise that they’re going to offer a similar process in the future for books and such. Wow.

Out for the Count

Well, it’s happened again. I should have seen it coming, the signs were all there, but I hoped “Not this time, it’s different.” However here I sit with what is most likely strep throat, judging from my track record and the terrible pain every time I swallow. This was not entirely unexpected, as every year for the past five or so I have contracted some alphabet letter of strep combined with something else, the worst being last year when I actually ended up in the hospital, on Valentine’s day. This year has been my healthiest ever though, and I’ve hardly gotten a cold or a sniffle for almost a year, so I was hoping this wouldn’t happen. That said, the timing could have been worse; I’m glad it wasn’t at SxSW (like poor Jane or Ernie); I’m glad it wasn’t on Valentine’s day; I’m glad it wasn’t during an “important” school week; I’m glad that you’re still reading at this point. I’m going to try and get some more rest. Updates will either be light, or come at a Kathyesque rate—we’ll see.

Piece of Cake

The mid-term on ethics was actually pretty easy, and the extra day or two of reading certainly didn’t hurt at all. It is really one of my favorite classes right now, and the professor has a really interesting British accent that seems to keep me quite interested in what he’s saying, or maybe I’m just dreaming. Of course living in Houston I should have a cinch on ethics, since our corporate community has it in bounds.

Over the past 3 hours I have caught up on more email than I thought possible. My inbox no longer runneth over. I have a strangely satisfied feeling that feels like I’ve done something, because email is not just a set of communication, but my inboxes (I have one address for business and one for pleasure) represent a set of things to do, of items screaming for attention in their unassuming way.

This was all done in what I believe to be the most perfect coffee house I have encountered so far: Outlets and ethernet ports every 4 feet and wireless so you don’t need to plug in, a friend who works there, very reasonable prices, good music, and some of the best bread I have ever tasted in my life. Well Sarah’s done with work now so I’m off.

For those that were asking, it’s called Kraftsmen and is at 4100 Montrose, 77006. It’s the place with the giant chessboard and the British telephone booth. Put another way, it’s inbetween the Black Lab and Cezanne’s and the Montrose Public Library. I also found out that they validate parking so that’s a plus.

Mid-Term Tomorrow, Really

So after much ado my mid-term really, truly is tomorrow. There can be no further delays or misunderstandings, it’s just a fact. Truthfully I wish it was just over, as I have a lot of Houston schmoozing to catch up on. For now however I will try and immerse myself in the in the intricacies of moral philosophy.

In other news I went for a much-needed eye checkup today. One eye had hardly changed from my last checkup, but the other had jumped into the deep end of the pool of myopia. Within the week though I should have new lenses in my current glasses (I’m not crazy about my other pair). In geek terms, I’ll be going from 1024×768 to a crisp 1600×1200. Now if I could only increase my memory…

T-Mobile Ripoff

Oh my goodness! I’ve had a pre-pay T-Mobile account because Starbuck’s are so ubiquitous, but when I tried to log in right now it said my account has expired, even though I know I’ve hardly used it. Not that big a deal though, I can just refill it, check my email, post, and go along my merry way. So I start the refill process, and it wants $50. WTF? Let’s take a look at each of their plans to see what a ripoff it is:

  • Unlimited National — $29.99 a month. This looks like the best deal until you notice that it requires a 12-month contract, and has a $200 early termination fee. What a rip.
  • Unlimited National — $39.99 a month. This actually is the best deal, which is sad because this is how much I pay for my cell phone. They need to have something cheaper.
  • Prepay 300 — $50. This is the plan they wanted me to refill to. What a rip! Those three hundred minutes expire in 120 days if you don’t use them and the minimum session time is 10 minutes, so at most you could get on this thirty times before you’re out.
  • Pay as you go — 10 cents a minute. Okay finally we have something reasonable here, right? I can pop in and out, probably using under a dollar worth of minutes. Plus if I did end up using 300 minutes it would still be cheaper than their stupid prepay plan. But wait, it looks like there is a 60 minute minimum per session, which means every time you log on you would be paying $6.

These plans are ridiculous, and I’m going to take my WiFi card elsewhere. Or maybe I’ll stop in and try some of their very reasonably priced coffee. I feel strange saying this, but McDonald’s has the right idea. I would be happy to get a meal and some WiFi, or pay a reasonable $3 for an hour of access. Plus I assume that cash is an option, which is a plus. Of course there are some very good independent coffee houses around which I frequent, but unfortunately none of them are convenient to my next appointment, so I’m stuck without access. I guess it’s time to go war-driving and find some good nodes in the Montrose area.

I’m not trying to say that the above plans are wrong for everyone, just that for my planned usage of quick, infrequent stops here and there is no plan which I won’t pay out the nose for. I have come to the conclusion that T-Mobile is the devil though. Now I’m just going to head to my haircut, and then to the long-anticipated mid-term.