
Well as usual my sister has gotten me hooked on another TV show. Last time it was Farscape, which of course just got canned by the SciFi channel. On top of that, the only place I could watch it was at my sister’s house in Austin because I don’t have cable at home. Luckily she tapes all the episodes, so I was able to keep up, if with a giant lag. That’s also the reason I avoid like the plague any site that might give me spoilers about a Farscape episode I haven’t seen.

Anyway Charleen was in town for the weekend and we were hanging at her friend’s house when she asked me if I wanted to see this new series that just started airing a few weeks ago. The name of the show is Firefly, and though their website looks like something out of the nineties, the show is well done. If I was my sister I could tell you how the director is the same guy who did Buffy, or something like that. Regardless, it’s on free TV every Friday. Tivo or tape it if you have a social life! This is the show that’s going to get me to plug my television back in which, for the record, has been disconnected since January of last year.

Matt’s binary review, Firefly: 1

Pun-A-Day #9

These friars were behind on their belfry payments, so they opened up a small florist shop to raise funds. Since everyone liked to buy flowers from the men of God, a rival florist across town thought the competition was unfair. He asked the good fathers to close down, but they would not. He went back and begged the friars to close; they ignored him. So, the rival florist hired Hugh MacTaggart, the roughest and most vicious thug in town to “persuade” them to close. Hugh beat up the friars and trashed their store, saying he’d be back if they didn’t close up shop. Terrified, they did so, thereby proving that Hugh, and only Hugh, can prevent florist friars.

Best Blogging Software?

I used a neat tool to compare the features of b2/cafelog and Movable Type. As someone who currently uses b2, used to use Movable Type, and deals with MT on a daily basis, I don’t think I could say which was “better,” they’re just different. I think MT has a more robust archiving system with nicer URLs, but with b2 I can post to the blog with email, which has got to be one of the coolest features I’ve ever heard of. In terms of hackability, which I mean in the best way, I like how everything is updated live without having to rebuild anything, but of course that has a trade-off in speed. It really comes down to personal preference and experience. If Michel stopped developing b2 tomorrow, I would still use it because it just does everything I want it to do, plus I have a pretty good familiarity with the code, which helps a lot. Of course just knowing about something helps, for instance Kathy just switched to pMachine, which until she talked about it I hadn’t even heard of. I think what we need is a good google fight.

Since I wrote this I began developing my own software, WordPress, which runs this site and what I believe (having surveyed everything out there) to be the best blogging software available.

Regex to the Rescue

Just had to update a site of more than three hundred static pages. I’ve done it once before using FTP and some simple find/replace dialogs, and it took me hours and hours. This change was significantly more complex than the last global one I had to make, but instead of even attempting it the old way, I decided to write a smart Perl script to apply the changes to all the files. The whole thing took about 20 minutes, saving me mind-numbing hours of work and the client hundreds of dollars. It’s the first time I’ve used Perl for much beyond the simplest things, and I must say it’s pretty handy. Pretty darn handy indeed.

Random Picture Back

Fans of the random picture on the menu should be happy to see it has returned in its former glory, and even faster. Barring any gallery disasters, it’ll stay there too. I’m playing around with the colors of the site, so if you see anything strange let me know. I take requests too :).

Now With Resin

I spent a good part of tonight getting Resin running and tweaked for Andrew, who’s currently working for, I believe on the Daily Dilbert. How cool is that? Anyway he’s finally moving Jazz Houston away from his current host over to me. The java stuff is groovy, now it’s just a matter of moving the database.

Now that Resin is installed, I must say that I couldn’t be happier with the current tech on the server. Apache 1.3.17 sits happily and never complains, PHP Accelerator helps PHP even ridiculously faster than it already is, MySQL 4.04 is really amazing despite the questionable version number and the silly name they picked for the dolphin, mod_gzip saves me bandwidth (used 123 GB last month), and now accessing my mail through IMAP, I couldn’t be happier. Life is good. If you made it this far, you’ll probably be interested to know that HPUG is tomorrow at 1 PM. We’re going to have a bluetooth extravaganza!

Secret of Age

I’ve discovered the secret of growing old—subtlety. As I get older I find myself starting to really appreciate the shades of meaning in everything around me from art to architecture to music. Especially music. Truly great artists or groups that I may have appreciated only superficially before—Mozart, Radiohead, Frank Sinatra, John Coltrane—I’m now beginning to appreciate with more depth. What’s beautiful about great art, in any form, is that everyone can appreciate it on different levels. At a symphony concert you might have some people just enjoying the atmosphere and letting the music wash over them, you might have a critic listening and comparing it to past performances of the same piece, you might have a musician listening intently to one voice, or you might have a composer listening to the intricacies on how everything fits together, point and counterpoint. Each is perfectly valid, and I think that each can enjoy the music equally, regardless of intellectual depth. By that same token I think younger performers who may be incredibly advanced technically oftentimes lack a depth of emotion that seems to only come with age; this is particularly apparent in jazz.

It’s not just applicable to art either, you could say the same thing about relationships, almost anything. Do any older more experienced people have thoughts on this? (Old = older than me) 🙂


There is nothing quite as nice as bringing projects to a pleasant close. (and getting paid of course.) Today saw the successful completion of one major project for a large business, and one small project for a local musician. Each is special in its own way, each satisfying in its own way. That is all.

Curly Function for PHP added

It’s called PHPCurlMe, so check it out. (I know, that’s an incredibly compelling reason, but it’s late.) No any installation instructions for b2 yet because, as previously stated, it’s late and I’d like to tweak it some more. But I realized that if I continue obsessing about it being absolutely perfect right now I’m never going to get it out there. So think of this as a submission for peer review, a first draft. Right now the function is a little conservative for my tastes.

Just Saying Hi

I would like to take this opportunity to recognize some of the wonderful visitors to this site. While I love you all, sometimes I get the most amusement out of people who come here from search engines. Since I don’t actually know who these net travelers are, here’s an open letter. Warning: some of these searches are a little off-color, so be careful which ones you click on. As of this posting though I’m either in the top ten results or on the page I link to.

To why does my optical mouse move by itself? — You’re obviously having issues beyond what my simple review can address, so I would recommend seeking the assistance of a professional. When you find out what’s causing it, let me know, because I’m as curious now as you are. Is there any event that coincided with this newfound movement?

To sexy photos josh lucas, josh lucas pic, and the other Josh Lucas searches — Stop bothering me! Though I must admit my friends Lucas and Josh, whose pictures these people see when they click on my site from this search, get a kick out of it. (Josh Lucas is some sort of actor.) Good thing I don’t have any friends named Britney.

To kayak naked — Whatever floats your boat. In a matter of speaking.

To sexy photo google — I found these pictures of the Google people, but I’m not sure if that’s what you’re looking for.

To “best buy” extended warranty opinion laptop — I had good experience taking my laptop back, but just don’t try it with a camera.

To enron women nude — Get a life! You’re on the twelfth page of results! No one looks that far!

To matt sony — Sony has me in a death vise; I love their products and I can’t stop. Run, while you still can.

To “apple sticker” — Okay this one is a trick because I do know who this is, because she sent me an email. It’s Leander Kahney, a writer for Wired, who’s working on a book called “Cult of Mac”. The picture she found (on the tenth page!) is going to be in the book as part of a chapter on Apple stickers. Pretty cool, huh?

To meaning of clie — Communications, Link, Information, and Entertainment. Your guess is as good as mine as to where the accent came from in Sony Clié.

To first day of school i was nervous about the first day because…….however i soon realized…… — I like someone who knows what they’re looking for.

To ihatelongdomainnames (German?) — Me too.

To movie quote ahhh the lowercase a — I have no idea what this means.

To adjusting toshiba laptop screen brightness — On my old 5005 There was a function key, and if you pressed that and one of the function keys at the top of your keyboard. Two of the function keys had little suns on them, and those were the ones you could adjust the brightness of your screen with. Also cranking the brightness down really lets you ink every bit of battery life out of it.

Okay, I think that’s enough vanity surfing for the day!

Pun-A-Day #7

A woman has twins and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is called “Ahmal.” The other goes to a family in Spain; they name him “Juan.” Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Ahmal. Her husband responds, “They’re twins! If you’ve seen Juan, you’ve seen Ahmal.”

Not Tonight

No curly quotes tonight, I’m tweaking to a bizarre degree, adjusting each for the relative strengths of each language’s regex engine. Of course once I run the benchmarks I could find that it doesn’t matter, but we’ll see. The more I learn about regular expressions the more I love Perl :).

Photos Back

It seems from a fit of stupidity I turned off FollowSymLinks in my gallery .htaccess file so that’s why the photos haven’t worked for a few hours. Things should be back to normal now, so now is a good chance to check out the new albums I’ve added. I’ve added some new days, which aren’t necessarily at top because things are in chronological order, and I’ve also added some new photos I missed to some of the recent days.


I think this weather is getting me down, I just don’t feel like going out tonight. No Kaveh Kanes, no House of Pies, no girls, no car, no laptop, blah. The sky is bleak, colorless, moist, and utterly motionless. I want it to rain, brighten, darken, or do something! I think it’s time for a brisk walk.

Houston Wireless Meeting Tonight

Several people have expressed interest in attending this meeting, so here’s the message from Jeremy (whose URL I love). You can sign up for the HWUG list here.

Hash: SHA1

A reminder to all, the monthly HoustonWireless meeting is tonight at 7:30pm at Kaveh Kanes. This will be a mixed-bag technology roundup and Q&A. Several of us will present some material about different aspects of wireless. This is a good chance to get an overview of what’s out there, maybe a bit of what’s coming, and maybe get some questions answered.

The lineup so far as I know includes Erewhon talking about antennas and probably other stuff, myself talking about what all the 802.11 protocol alphabet soup means (e.g. a,b,g,i,…) and a bit about security, Matt (one of them :)) will talk about warchalking and wardriving, I think Glass is going to talk about meshes, and who knows what else.

Also, I’d encourage people to bring gear for “show and tell”, we’ll do a “gear roundup,” especially APs (e.g. if you’ve got a WAP-11 you can bring, or an RG1000, or a home-grown mutant, or …). I’ll demonstrate HostAP on my laptop, too, given sufficient time.


Get the Book Man

After a long and extremely coincidental series of events, Alex, Jaime, and I decide to go to head to House of Pies (my third time in four days) for some dinner. When I’m almost there I get a call from Alex saying that the restaurant is closed until eight because of pesticides, and that they’re going to hang at the Border’s across the street. (I think it’s interesting that, knowing of why the restaurant was closed, we didn’t decide to go anywhere else.) Anyway, I’m thinking that would be a good way to kill the time, but I hate going to book stores because I either leave feeling unfulfilled or with a significantly lighter wallet. So I resolved not to buy anything and walked in.

Border's on KirbyI browsed around the store, picked up a few things, put them back. I wandered through the music section, seeing what’s new and noticing how outrageous the prices were. In fact, everything was just fine until I stumbled into the computer section. I was able to keep up my jaded no-spend attitude for a little while. “Look at these lame PHP books. Hah! The only ones worth having I already have. I can’t believe I was worried about coming in this place.” Then my eyes began to wander, and I spotted an Apache 2.0 book, just big enough to be juicy. I opened it up and immediately browsed to the mod_negotiation section, since that’s the module I know the most about and I use it as a benchmark for Apache books, which is the same thing I do with Caesar salad and restaurants. (House of Pies has no Caesar salad! Why do I go there so much?) The book had one of the most comprehensive overviews of the module that I’ve seen, and covered some of the differences between the 1.3 and 2.0 versions. However, it wasn’t good enough to overcome my resolution, so it went back to the shelf. However the thought dawned on me that I needed something to do for the next half hour, so I spotted an O’Reilly title I’ve had my eye on called Mastering Regular Expressions.

I’ll cut the suspense, and admit that I bought it. It’s an amazing book; the first two chapters I read really changed the way I think about things in general, a paradigm shift. I’m hoping to finish the whole thing this week and redo all my regex code with what I learn. The good news is that in rang up $5 cheaper at the register than the sticker said, so I’m not complaining.

The point is, however, I lost. The people at Border’s have my type so well figured out that they know I can’t leave without buying something. All those comfy chairs everywhere are really traps in disguise, hoping to lure you in to being caught up in a book. What I really want to do is go into a bookstore, and read an entire book, start to finish. I don’t care if it takes me a week, I want to go in every day, pick up the same book, and finish it. That would really stick it to the man, the book man. Will it ever happen? We’ll see. Has anyone had a similar experience?

Work Work

This looks like it’s going to be a very busy week, at least in terms of business work. Lot’s of things to catch up with, and lots of projects to finish up. I have a couple of scripts to add to the scripts section, including a nice form mailer, curly quotes for b2, a syntax highlighter, and some other odds and ends. I’ve always been a bit paranoid about releasing code publically, because I always wonder if there’s a way to do it better, and I can’t imagine anything quite as embarassing as releasing something with an obvious bug or something. Sometimes this is for the better I think, for example the mail script is about a third of the size that the first version was, and more functional, but it’s also over a year old! Anyway watch this channel for some fun stuff this month. Any requests?