Seth Godin: The warning signs of defending the status quo. Hat tip: Andrew Spittle.
Category Archives: Asides
I’m somewhere in the middle of the Arctic Sea right now, approximately 78°05’N, 28°45’E, but even through the thin pipe of an intermittent satellite connection the ripples were felt of the announcement that Steve Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple. Jobs, or the idea of him, has had a profound impact on innumerable founders and CEOs. My own tribute to him (and Apple as an organization) is in the essay 1.0 is the Loneliest Number, where reviews of the original iPod punctuate a story of the messy act of creation. Moments like this give us an opportunity to take a step back and contemplate the bigger picture, so take a moment to read the post and think about what you’re launching next.
6 of the 10 Republican presidential candidates are using WordPress, the other 4 are on Drupal, which means all 10 are on an Open Source CMS.
The past two days I’ve been at WordCamp San Francisco and the presentations have been amazing. For the first time ever for San Francisco we’ve had a really fantastic live video stream going from both rooms. It’s a pretty economical way to get all of the content of the conference without the cost of coming to San Francisco. We even had someone streaming from Pakistan! My talk on the State of the Word, will be tomorrow at 11 AM PST so get a ticket on the WordCamp SF site.
Dale Harvey on working remotely, some great tips for getting started and how to rock it. As always, Automattic is hiring great people regardless of location.
Rob Paterson writes Why do corporation die so soon and cities don’t? Corporations are Machines and Cities are Networks. Along the way he brings it back to WordPress and the Wikipedia.
In Baring Train Crash Facts, Blogs Erode China Censorship in the NY Times.
Microsoft’s MS-DOS is 30 today. Type “dir” in your Linux terminal in memory.
Alexia Tsotsis writes on how Technology Is The New Smoking.
Boing Boing has switched to WordPress from Movable Type, and it looks good. They also switched to Disqus for their comments, which will be interesting to see how it interacts with their highly evolved moderation policies including disemvowelling.
Intellectual Ventures And The War Over Software Patents on This American Life. Props to Chris Sacca for speaking on the record about everything.
Keret House / Centrala, a house built in the found face between two buildings.
Don’t Punish Everyone
On WordPress 3.2 with WebProNews
Abby Johnson from WebProNews posted an interview about the philosophy and thinking behind the WordPress 3.2 release, and we also recorded the video below:
[wpvideo jAzB26pR]
The Trouble with Nathan Myhrvold’s Pro-Patent Arguments by Paul Kedrosky.
The world is blue at its edges and in its depths. This blue is the light that got lost. Light at the blue end of the spectrum does not travel the whole distance from the sun to us. It disperses among the molecules of the air, it scatters in water. Water is colorless, shallow water appears to be the color of whatever lies underneath it, but deep water is full of this scatted light, the purer the water the deeper the blue. The sky is blue for the same reason, but the blue at the horizon, the blue of land that seems to be disolving into the sky, is a deeper, dreamier, melancholy blue, the blue at the farthest reaches of the places where you see for miles, the blue of distance. This light that does not touch us, does not travel the whole distance, the light that gets lost, gives us the beauty of the world, so much of which is in the color blue.