Kindle Easter Eggs: We have GPS. (Sort of.) I’ve been using my Kindle heavily for a few weeks now and have a mini-review forthcoming.
Feeds in Search Results
WordPress produces a bajillion different feeds for every post, category, search, basically anything you can imagine. For a long time now some of these have shown up in search results next to regular pages, which I imagine was very confusing for people clicking from a search result to a bunch of XML. No longer! From the Webmaster blog: Taking feeds out of our web search results.
Infinitely Extensible
WordPress is Infinitely Extensible. “And that’s coming from a guy who’s usually happy to start his projects from scratch.”
Google Enigma
The Google Enigma by Nick Carr.
Giving Away Your Code
May I ask for your vote?
Toni says: May I ask for your vote?
Starbucks Cheer Chain
At Starbucks people have been starting “cheer chains” where they pay extra money to pick up the coffee of the person behind them in the drive-thru. Some have gone 2 solid hours. The blogger is cynical, but some of the comments are from baristas that work at Starbucks. I want to believe.
Falling Snow Script
I’ve been looking around for a good falling snow script, as I’m a sucker for cheesy holiday javascript, but everything seems to be from the era of Netscape 6. I even found one on my own domain, but it doesn’t seem to work in Firefox. So where’s the state-of-the-art snow script for web 2.0? Time is running out!
Banned from Technorati Top 100
Homegrown CMSes
Jerusalem Syndrome
Apparently a number of people who visit Jerusalem are so affected they dress up in biblical garb, preach at holy sites, and then days later don’t remember a thing.
Web Apps with Class
It would be interesting to talk about web applications and services in terms of the year they “graduated” and went public to the world. IMDB was ’90; was ’95; Movable Type was ’01; and Typepad were Class of ’03; Gmail was ’04;, Akismet, Youtube, TechCrunch, and pbwiki were ’05; bbPress, Amazon S3, and Twitter were ’06; Pownce was ’07, etc. It’d also be cool to see a timeline of major web apps.
Yahoo! Shortcuts
Yahoo! Shortcuts is a new service from Yahoo that puts links and rich “stuff” on your page. It has launched exclusively as a plugin for WordPress. Most aren’t something I would use myself, except the Flickr one, but still cool.
Scoble on Valleywag
Blog Talk Radio
Last day of EG2007
At the Entertainment Gathering 2007.
EG2007 Day 2
Day two at the Entertainment Gathering 2007 at the Getty in Los Angeles, California.
EG Blogging
EG2007 First Day
First day at the Entertainment Gathering 2007.
Not Too Late
You still have a full month left to finish up your 2007 New Year’s Resolutions. Stop slacking.